General Information
If you are an apprentice of the Pavement Stripers, Road Slurry, Seal Coat & Highway Maintenance Apprenticeship Program, there are a few things you will need to remember to make sure you get the most out of your training.
Important Contact Information
Apprenticeship Office
Main Office: 951-248-4341
Fax: (951) 784-0463
Director/Striping Coordinator/Striping Instructor: John Selover
Cell Phone: (714) 309-8195
Slurry Coordinator/Slurry Instructor/Slurry Business Agent: Richard Villegas
Cell Phone: (909) 376-6357
Trust Fund/PSWA: 626-279-3000
– Call the Trust Fund or Pacific Southwest Administrators (PSWA) for information about your insurance, pension, vacation check information and to update your contact information.
Unemployment Development Department:
– Claim unemployment benefits when not working or taking classes.
Important Note
If you have changed your address phone number or email you must update your contact information through
- Our School
- Trust Fund
- Your Local Union
If you do not update your information you may be cited to appear before the committee
Your Path to Becoming a Journeyperson
1. Communicate with your Coordinator on a Regular Basis
– E-mail or call your Coordinator / Instructor on a regular basis
– Always include your NAME and LAST 4 in all emails.
– E-mail or call your Coordinator for any apprenticeship questions or concerns
2. Turn in your WORK PROCESSES on the 1st of every month
– Log your work processes daily on the MTP Mobile application
– Submit your work processes on a monthly basis
– Call the main office as soon as possible if you have any issues submitting your work processes
3. Be available for work or take a Leave of Absence (LOA)
– Must be available for work/registered for the out-of-work list with your Local Union.
– Leave of Absence (LOA) MUST be done in writing to your Coordinator!
– LOA is for temporary leave for Medical, Personal or Military reasons and can be granted for a maximum of 6 MONTHS.
4. Attend scheduled classes and be proactive in taking classes
– Inform the employer about upcoming classes AS SOON as you receive your ‘Mandatory to Attend’ (MTA) letters.
– Communicate with the coordinator with any issues about attending class.
– To attend a class, you MUST be scheduled through your coordinator!
5. Committee will terminate apprentices for not being in compliance
– Be sure to be in compliance with the rules of your apprenticeship/Local Union, if you are not in compliance, you will be terminated!
**Reminder** You MUST pay your Union Dues on the first of each month!
Basic Tools and PPE
Be sure to show up and carry your basic tools and PPE to school and the job site:
Unprepared Apprentice

Prepared Apprentice